Friday, 3 January 2025


 For some reason, and this could have something to do with numbers of fingers, five is a meaningful number for humans. Not quite as epic as 10, but an important number. So I like to use five as a number of significance.

On September 11 2006, I did a post saying "OK, that's it, it's been five years and if anyone hasn't yet grasped that 9.11 was in inside job I don't have the patience to deal with them, they will just have to work it out themselves". Then I removed all the 9.11 content from my website and moved on. 

It's harder to put an exact date on the start of the covidhoax, but that moronic story really seemed to kick into high gear at the start of 2020. That is now five years ago, and I feel like saying the same thing again.  "OK, that's it, it's been five years and if anyone hasn't yet grasped that covid is a hoax I don't have the patience to deal with them, they will just have to work it out themselves".

For some reason I've long held a desire to "educate the masses" and "wake up the sheeple" But 2025 feels different. For me at least, the previous years were for learning and preparing, while this year is the test. The real information is mostly still online, or recorded in books, easily downloaded from sites like Library Gen. 

But the spoon feeding is over, and while there are certain subjects I'm still aiming to be helpful with, like Linux, those are mainly things I don't really understand, and presenting information helps me to learn about them. 2025 is a new year, and there are a bunch of subjects I'm not going to be spending much time discussing anymore. 

In summary, the narratives are all false, and almost all the information we are being fed is fake. Do your own research. If you think Donald Trump is going to save you, this may not go well.