If the LA fires are real why are almost all the photos fake? Essentially it's the perfect example of a psyop catering for every possible audience, from the "climate change is causing mass destruction" level mind programed normie sheeple, through to the "Zionist controlled deep state military laser weapons have been used to deliberately destroy LA and replace it with a globalist smart city" not quite up to full speed truthers.
But what none of the dozen or more narratives address is the elephant in the room: Where are the real photos? Are we supposed to believe that in a city of over 3.8 million there are no photographers with decent cameras?
The entire internet is flooded with images of fires, burned out buildings and melted cars, but most of them are obvious fakes.
Some of the CGI pictures are quite arty looking. Fortunately this man's clothing and shoes are nice and clean, if he had gotten ash on his white shoe soles he would have been having a really bad day. And at least his face mask should keep him safe from bird flu.
It's lucky American flags are fireproof for that patriotic Iwo Jima / fake Trump assassination photo look
And it's a good job palm trees don't burn, or it could have been really messy down by the beach!
Most of the overhead pictures are low resolution. Clearly drones still use late 90's digital camera technology. The photos of the fake nuclear bombings from WW2 were actually far better than this, but as with the moon landings, I guess technology has been going backwards for the past century.
After 911 it took more than a decade for some people to grasp that steel doesn't melt in fires. But sadly that hard won lesson has already been forgotten and steel cars are now supposedly melting all over the place. Usually right next to trees that are still in surprisingly good shape. But trees don't burn as easily as steel do they?. And the plastic lids on rubbish skips are fireproof, but cars just go poof...
Like wooden power poles, LA trees are remarkably resilient to temperatures that melt steel cars. The smoke from fires usually covers everything around in a thick coating of dirty black ash, but in LA, walls and driveways all seem to remain spotlessly clean, as do lost dogs that have been miraculously reunited with their owners after being lost in the fires for two days.
He starts out under pristine bright blue sky talking about how the ash has been making everything dirty. But his immaculate white boat is absolutely spotless.

There are some passengers onboard wearing face masks, but he says he can't smell anything himself. He sails to a beachfront area that has reportedly been devastated. But he can't go close enough to shore to get a decent look at the devastation because the water there is only 30 foot (10m) deep.
His boat is quite a decent size but it's not a cruise liner. Small cruise liners do require a depth of at least 10m, but yachts do not.
He is a multi millionaire tech expert but he hasn't got a camera with enough of a zoom lens to actually show anything clearly? Maybe he was filming the video on his cell phone, but personally, if I was going to go to all the trouble to film the coast, I would have taken a camera with a zoom lens.
If I could afford a big yacht I would probably also have splashed out for a half decent camera. One of his passengers did have a camera with a zoom lens, I wonder what he was seeing?
Meanwhile "Miles Mathis" has posted some content about the fires. No I don't think Miles Mathis is a fully legit or trustworthy source, but at least he asks some questions.
"That's the beach in Malibu, near Palisades, on Pacific Coast Highway. How in the name of all that is holy did a wildfire get down there, run downhill toward the ocean, toward the sea breeze, on rock and dirt with no vegetation, and then selectively burn houses?"
Yes, there may really have been some fires, but honestly, what we are being shown is at least 90% utter crap