Friday, 24 January 2025


At the start of Trump's previous term I did this post on the Steemit blockchain. Although I now have no idea what some of the points I was referring to were (such as balloons full of piss, & Dodge Challengers), overall, in some ways it's even more relevant now than it was back then.


Like many puppets, Punch & Judy are controlled by hands up their arses. They are grotesque, ugly, and violent puppets who appear to hate each other.

They like nothing more than to have squawking arguments and beat each other over the head with bats. But make no mistake, they both have the hands of the same puppet master up their arses.

The Punch and Judy show is a long running English tradition (350 years), and like much of the English entertainment industry it is aimed at children and intended to make them grow up as better people.

Many people realise that Punch and Judy are puppets, but puppet shows can also come in many other shapes and colours. Most puppets have smaller noses than Punch and Judy, but some still like to squawk and hit each other over the heads with bats.

Or balloons full of piss, or Dodge Challengers…


If people engage in arguments about who is right, Punch or Judy, are they any different to Punch and Judy themselves? Because just like Punch and Judy, they have a hand up their arse controlling what they are doing.

One of the favourite tools of magicians is to trick their audience by distracting them. While the attention of an audience is focused on one thing, they are not looking at the more important thing. And modern puppet shows serve a similar purpose.

Some people who haven’t even realised that they are watching a puppet show are freaking out because one person who liked to hang out with morons who squawk and throw piss at people, was allegedly killed.

Meanwhile they haven’t noticed that that the very same puppet masters have also killed tens of thousands of people in Palestine. Or that they are using American tax payer money to buy the tanks and bombs to carry out that genocide.


Distraction is a very useful tool, and when you own a countries entire entertainment industry, along with the entire “news” industry, there is quite a bit of scope to create a few distractions.

Possibly, rather that having long discussions about who was driving that Dodge Challenger, it might be more important to discuss who is paying for all the tanks that are murdering people in Palestine.

Or maybe why America has the biggest debt in the history of civilization. And who does America actually “owe” all that money to.

And maybe the real reason the psychopath puppet master George Soros just funded a riot is because it was his birthday, and turning America into a divided nation of debt ridden slaves is a really cool plan… (Sorearse and Chump get along a lot like Punch and Judy)



punch (1).jpg 

 “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” - Plato