Thursday, 6 March 2025


This is a photo of some graffiti I took in Newtown yesterday. Scary thing is that the person who wrote that can spell both capitalism and fascism, but apparently not understand what either word means. They are probably a transgender university student...
Alongside that "hikoi" poster, I think it nearly encapsulates what is wrong with this country. Just add a gay pride flag, and that would just about cover it. Woketardism...
No, UP is not DOWN, and BLACK is not WHITE. The following definition is not 100% accurate at this point in time, but in theory, capitalism and fascism are opposite extremes:
"Capitalism is based on the principles of free market competition and private ownership of the means of production, allowing individuals to pursue their own economic interests. 
In contrast, Fascism is a totalitarian ideology that emphasizes state control over the economy and strict regulation of individual behavior."