Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Only Illuminati insiders seem to be aware of the true meanings hidden behind these signs and hand gestures.
No.1 Roc Sign
Pyramid, Eye in Pyramid, Diamond, Triangle, Eye in Triangle, Sign for the Grade of Fire, Triangle of Manifestation
The Roc Sign is made by holding out your palms while touching both your thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle.
The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure. The symbol becomes more powerful when the sign is done over an eye, representing the All-Seeing eye in a capstone floating over an unfinished pyramid.
The pyramid sign is seen by many researchers to be THE sign of the Illuminati.
Celebrities doing the Roc sign:
Tom Cruise
Ben Stiller
Al Sharpton
Warren Buffett
Denzel Washington
Christina Aguilera
Victor Cruz
Kanye West
LeBron James
Other uses of the Roc sign:
The sign has been used previously in many different contexts. In Aleister Crowley’s A.’.A.’., the gesture is the sign for the grade of fire. Wiccans know the symbol as the Triangle of Manifestation.
In the Jewish tradition it was used as the Priestly Blessing of Kohen. Star Trek’s Spock’s Vulcan salute was itself based on this Kohen blessing sign. In Ninja Kuji in magic it is the Kai (在), one of the 9 primary hand symbols used to channel energy.
Dora making a triangle
Feminist Gloria Steinem
The sign is also done in reverse. Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel used the “Merkel-Raute” as her trademark sign.
Angela Merkel
Pope John Paul 2
Adolph Hitler
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