Saturday, 8 March 2025




 I'm not really all that into Hitler but I have often used pictures of him to test just how much the woke libtards on any platform are in bondage to their Zionist owners. So I've ended up with an awesome collection of Hitler images I had to share. 



Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Only Illuminati insiders seem to be aware of the true meanings hidden behind these signs and hand gestures.

Image result for Illuminati Signs

No.1 Roc Sign

Pyramid, Eye in Pyramid, Diamond, Triangle, Eye in Triangle, Sign for the Grade of Fire, Triangle of Manifestation

The Roc Sign is made by holding out your palms while touching both your thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle.

The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure. The symbol becomes more powerful when the sign is done over an eye, representing the All-Seeing eye in a capstone floating over an unfinished pyramid.

The pyramid sign is seen by many researchers to be THE sign of the Illuminati.

Celebrities doing the Roc sign:

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Ben Stiller
Ben Stiller

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton

Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett

Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington

Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera


Victor Cruz
Victor Cruz

Kanye West
Kanye West

James Lebron
LeBron James



Other uses of the Roc sign:

The sign has been used previously in many different contexts. In Aleister Crowley’s A.’.A.’., the gesture is the sign for the grade of fire. Wiccans know the symbol as the Triangle of Manifestation.

In the Jewish tradition it was used as the Priestly Blessing of Kohen. Star Trek’s Spock’s Vulcan salute was itself based on this Kohen blessing sign. In Ninja Kuji in magic it is the Kai (在), one of the 9 primary hand symbols used to channel energy.

One of the 9 major signs of the Ninja Kujiin

Not you too Dora?!?
Dora making a triangle

Fueling the flames
Feminist Gloria Steinem

Diamond Sign Dallas Page


The sign is also done in reverse. Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel used the “Merkel-Raute” as her trademark sign.

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel


Pope John Paul 2
Pope John Paul 2

Adolph Hitler
Adolph Hitler

To see the next nine most popular hand signs check out my new ILLUMINATI HAND SIGNS PAGE

Friday, 7 March 2025


Revisiting music from the 80's, some of the songs and videos were awesome, but knowing what I know now - many of them were full on Illuminati mind programming and every last detail in them was deliberate!

Yazoo - Nobody's Diary


Even Madness - pretty much all music videos really... If they were popular, the signs and symbols are probably in there.
 Madness - Bed and Breakfast Man

And this ghastly song is a full reveal: "your mind is not your own"

Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love


 "One of the most famous videos of the 80s, with Palmer surrounded by a group of identically-dressed, hot-looking girls. Except that their robotic movements and blank stares suggest them be Stepford Wives-style mind-control clones. 
One of the girls, Mak Gilchrist, revealed in an interview with ‘Q’ magazine that she and her colleagues were instructed to behave “like showroom mannequins.” Looking into Palmer’s family background, we find yet another interesting link to military intelligence, his father having been a British naval officer. 
Palmer himself joined the dubious ranks of rock stars to suffer early, sudden deaths, when his body was found in a Paris hotel room in 2003 at the age of 54. The cause of death was given as a cardiac arrest." (Directed by Terence Donovan)" - Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2

While all those ones I could see easily, Joy Division I didn't really want to see at first... Ian Curtis did exhibit many signs of being mind controlled.
This is one of my all time favourite music videos, but this has some full on subliminals!
Joy Division - No Love Lost (Live 1979) 

These days I'm reading books about satanism to understand what I was watching 40 years ago! 
But some of the music was amazing - this was my favourite Bowie song.
David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes

Revisiting these videos now with my special sunglasses on is mind boggling.
Maybe this is why Wellington city is now bankrupt and filled with gay bus stops and rainbow crossings, while homeless people are sleeping in doorways...
Not specifically because of these videos but because of the mind controllers directing them all. But I loved that stuff.

Only now do I begin to grasp the full extent of the deceptions...

Thursday, 6 March 2025


This is a photo of some graffiti I took in Newtown yesterday. Scary thing is that the person who wrote that can spell both capitalism and fascism, but apparently not understand what either word means. They are probably a transgender university student...
Alongside that "hikoi" poster, I think it nearly encapsulates what is wrong with this country. Just add a gay pride flag, and that would just about cover it. Woketardism...
No, UP is not DOWN, and BLACK is not WHITE. The following definition is not 100% accurate at this point in time, but in theory, capitalism and fascism are opposite extremes:
"Capitalism is based on the principles of free market competition and private ownership of the means of production, allowing individuals to pursue their own economic interests. 
In contrast, Fascism is a totalitarian ideology that emphasizes state control over the economy and strict regulation of individual behavior."

Wednesday, 5 March 2025


Pink - another guy we are all supposed to pretend is female

 The worst of modern "music" is captured unspectacularly by a guy going by the name of "Pink"

(AKA. Alecia Beth Moore Hart, born September 8, 1979)

According to trustworthy Wikipedia, Pink has been described as "pop royalty" for his distinctive raspy voice and acrobatic stage presence, and he has sold over 135 million records.

"Records" sounds highly unlikely, but I guess it sounds better than "units"

Just how bad is this crap? In a word, lame - Unless you are into cheesy 80's aerobic music introduced by Cher & Jamie Lee Curtis (two other obvious dudes). In which case you might think this video rocks!