Revisiting music from the 80's, some of the
songs and videos were awesome, but knowing what I know now - many of them were
full on Illuminati mind programming and every last detail in them was deliberate!
Eurythmics - Love Is a Stranger
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Even Madness - pretty much all music videos really... If they were popular, the signs and symbols are probably in there.
Madness - Bed and Breakfast Man
And this ghastly song is a full reveal: "your mind is not your own"
Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love
of the most famous videos of the 80s, with Palmer surrounded by a group
of identically-dressed, hot-looking girls. Except that their robotic
movements and blank stares suggest them be Stepford Wives-style
mind-control clones.
of the girls, Mak Gilchrist, revealed in an interview with ‘Q’ magazine
that she and her colleagues were instructed to behave “like showroom
mannequins.” Looking into Palmer’s family background, we find yet
another interesting link to military intelligence, his father having
been a British naval officer.
himself joined the dubious ranks of rock stars to suffer early, sudden
deaths, when his body was found in a Paris hotel room in 2003 at the age
of 54. The cause of death was given as a cardiac arrest." (Directed by Terence Donovan)" - Mark Devlin - Musical Truth 2
all those ones I could see easily, Joy Division I didn't really want to
see at first... Ian Curtis did exhibit many signs of being mind
This is one of my all time favourite music videos, but this has some full on subliminals!
Joy Division - No Love Lost (Live 1979)
These days I'm reading books about satanism to understand what I was watching 40 years ago!
But some of the music was amazing - this was my favourite Bowie song.
Revisiting these videos now with my special sunglasses on is mind boggling.
this is why Wellington city is now bankrupt and filled with gay bus
stops and rainbow crossings, while homeless people are sleeping in
Not specifically because of these videos but because of the mind controllers directing them all. But I loved that stuff.
Only now do I begin to grasp the full extent of the deceptions...